Licker, Seidler & Partner
Lawyers and tax consultants |
Masthead, Liability Lawyers Tobias Licker, Sven Seidler und Partner Schivelbeiner Str. 19 10439 Berlin Germany Goto map >> Phone: 0049 / 030 / 44 71 79 94 Fax: 0049 / 030 / 44 71 79 96 eMail: Internet: Information under the terms of § 6 TDG (law about telecommunication services in Germany): Shareholders authorised to represent: Lawyers Tobias Licker, Sven Seidler, Riko Granzow, tax consultant Adolf Licker Register court: County Court to Berlin - Charlottenburg, Germany Registration number: PR 253 Competent supervisory body and Chambers Chamber of Lawyers to Berlin, Germany Littenstr. 9 10179 Berlin Germany Phone: 0049 / 030 / 30 69 31-0 Fax: 0049 / 030 / 30 69 31 99 Chamber of Lawyers to Niedersachsen, Germany Adenauerallee 20 30175 Hannover Germany Phone: 0049 / 0511 / 28 89 0-0 Job title regulated by law: Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer) conferred in the Federal Republic of Germany and Steuerberater (tax consultant) conferred in the Federal Republic of Germany Legal regulations for Lawyers in Germany Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO) Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BORA) Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO) Bundesrechtsanwaltsgebührenordnung (BRAGO) Legal regulations for lawyers within the European Union The regulations can be looked over at the homepage of the Federal Lawyers Chamber to Germany: Legal regulations for tax consultants in Germany: Steuerberatungsgesetz (StBerG) Durchführungsverordnungen zum Steuerberatungsgesetz (DVStB) Berufsordnung für Steuerberater (BOStB) Steuerberatergebührenverordnung (StBGebV) The regulations can be looked over at the homepage of the Federal Tax Consultants Chamber to Germany: (goto downloads/Berufsrecht) Liability regarding hyperlinks: Despite to the accurate examination we do not take any responsibility for the content of external hyperlinks. The operators running the website are in charge and liable for the content only. Liability regarding information provided on this website: We do not take any responsibility for the correctness, the completeness or the up-to-dateness of the provided information. Note that the information provided does not represent a legal advise. They are general information. The articles represent the personal opinion of the author. Charge and discharge of information: Information given in verbally or written form are for information only and without any responsibility as long as there is no explicit mandate in the form of a business relation. Tobias Licker, Sven Seidler, Riko Granzow Rechtsanwälte (lawyers) Adolf Licker Steuerberater (tax consultant) Translation German to English: |